New in v4.2.1.5

Version is minor upgrade that contains over 150 bug fixes and minor improvements. The full set of changes can be found in the change log. The sections below provide an overview of the improvements.

Self-service portal

  • Self-service direct reports enable manager operations. Active and Terminated users are better organized.
  • Manager self-service - allow managers to view the current status of each identity their direct reports have. The status' are refreshed outside of a normal synch cycle. Managers can enable/disable/lock/unlock accounts
  • Contractor operations and related options can be enabled based on access control rights
  • Allow checkout directly from the cart - Users can build a cart, do something else, and then check out without having to go back to the catalog
  • Deep linking into the service catalog
  • Change password and Change password managed system require MFA for improved security instead of a current password.

Provisioning / Deprovisioning

  • Do not generated a provisioning request when a user has not changed
  • Clone operation for managed systems does not apply to all components of a managed system
  • Business rules can initiate an access request workflow


  • Failure reporting for provisioning / deprovisioning operation
  • Failure reporting for Synchronization
  • Send email operations are logged in the audit logs
  • Improved audit logging for add/modify operations
  • Improve search in bulk entitlements operations
  • Improve simulation mode logging
  • Resolved issues with generating the orphan management report


  • Resolve issues with logout with SAML

Deployment improvement

  • RPM Deployments - HA is improved to support improved fail-over across stack components bringing RPM deployments closer to Kubernetes deployments. HAProxy has been introduced at each layer to allow failover across stack services and infrastructure components.
  • Redis was replaced by Redis Sentinel for HA deployment
  • Kubernetes support upgraded to 1.25.6
  • Terraform scripts for Azure and AWS


  • Improve search performance for the catalog
  • Improve synchronization performance in a cluster when processing large data load by distributing the load across the cluster


  • Revoke access workflow correctly only removes the entitlement that were selected.