
General information

Workday connector provides an ability to get user data from Workday HR system. The operation that could be performed using OpenIAM is search and setting user's email in Workday.

Installing the connector

Based on the nature of your deployment, follow the procedures below to deploy the connector.

Docker swarm

To start this connector in a Docker Swarm deployment, follow the steps described below:

  • Uncomment the following line in file - #docker pull "openiamdocker/workday-rest-connector-rabbitmq:debian-${OPENIAM_VERSION_NUMBER}-${BUILD_ENVIRONMENT}"
  • Uncomment the following line in file
#docker stack deploy --compose-file connectors/workday-rest/docker-compose.yaml --with-registry-auth workday-rest-connector

For the changes to take effect one will need to stop OpenIAM containers and then run:


Connector Configuration

First, login to OpenIAM webconsole.

Step 1. Create new Page Template.

Go to the Administration -> Page Template -> Create New Template

Template Name:Workday Connector
Template Type:Managed System Template
Metadata Grouping:Connector Type
Metadata Type Name:Workday Connector

Click Save button.

New Template

Step 2. Once the Page template is saved, go to Template fields section and add below fields.

Field NameIs RequiredIs EditableActions
Fetch Typecheckcheckmode_edit_delete

Save the template upon all field are added.

Step 3.

Go to Provisioning -> Managed System. Find "Workday connector" and click Action. Fill all the details as follows:

Connector:Workday Connector
Managed System Name:Workday Manage System
Description:Workday Manage System
Show on user change password Screenchecked
Host URL:your-tenant-url
Password Policy:Default password policy
Login Id:Login
Password:Enter client password
Fetch Type:REST
REST Password:Enter client password
REST Login:Login
REST Tenant:
SOAP Password:Enter client password
SOAP Login:login
SOAP Tenant:tenant-name

Step 4. Add new attributes.

Scroll down to Attributes section -> Click Create New Attribute and add a new attribute.

New Attribute

Set Attribute Name as "Workers".

And attribute value at in the following format (it will be different in your environment)[your tenant name]/[account qualifier]/OPEN_IAM_OUTBOUND_RAAS?format=json

Click Save.

Add another Attribute -> Click Attribute button and add a new attribute.

New Attribute

Set Attribute Name as Human_Resources.

And attribute value at[your tenant name]/Human_Resources/v38.0?wsdl

Save it.

Add another Attribute -> Click Attribute button and add a new attribute.

New Attribute

Set Attribute Name as STAFFING.

And attribute value at

Click Save.

Now go to Provisioning -> Managed System and find "Workday connector". Connector should be up, as shown below.

Step 5. Configuring synchronization.

Go to Provisioning -> Synchronisation -> Create New Synchronization.

Name:Workday Sync
Number Of Threads:1
Is Active?checked
Provision to target systems?checked (if unchecked, please take care about identities creation in transformation script)
Synchronization Source:Connector
Managed System:Workday Manage System
Synchronize Object:User
Synch Type:Complete
Synch Frequency:Select on Execution Time
Validation Rule:/sync/user/csv/CSVSampleValidationScript.groovy
Transformation Implementation:Transformation Scripts
Transformation Rule:/workday/userTransformation.groovy
Source Attribute Name:EMPLOYEE_ID
SQL Query / Directory Filter:EMPLOYEE_ID=006971
Source attribute names:/workday/srcattrs.groovy

The field values are indicated in the image below.


Click Save and then and then click Sync Now and check - New user with with Employee ID (employee id / Employee Id / ?) = {from_your_example} should should be created in OpenIAM.

Note: To start a connector in the RPM environment download a jar file of connecotr from customer's portal and make sure to download a correct version. Afterards, use the following command.

systemctl start openiam-connector@workday-connector-rabbitmq