Create Postman collection

Once the Authentication provider has been configured on the OpenIAM, you can define a new collection in Postman using the steps below.

  • In Postman, select New > Collection from the screen shown below.

New collection

  • Go to the Variables tab and create an entry for the clientid and clientsecret as shown in the example below. Both of the values can be found in your OpenIAM Authentication provider configuration.


Save the configuration.

  • Go to the Authorization tab and configure the values listed below.


Field NameDescription
TypeSelect oAuth 2.0 from the dropdown.
Add auth dataThis determines how auth data should be passed. You can choose between Request Headers and Request URL. Select Request headers.
Token nameToken name can be any name that you want to assign to your access token.
Grant typeDescribes how the auth client (postman) will interact with the oAuth server (OpenIAM server). This value MUST be the same as the grant type that you select during the OpenIAM Authentication provider configuration which is Implicit.
Callback URLCallback URL should be set to: https://postman:1000/callback.
Authorize using browserThis checkbox should be left unchecked.
Auth URLThe Auth URL is the endpoint URL which is used to get the authorization code. This value should be set to: https://[openiam server host]idp/oauth2/authorize.
Client IDEnter the following string {{clientid}}. This tells Postman to use the ClientId variable that you defined earlier.
ScopeEnter the following string: {{clientsecret}}. This tells Postman to use the Client Secret variable that you defined earlier.
Client AuthenticationSelect Send as basic headers.

Once you have defined the above parameters, save your configuration. Then click on Get new access token. This will start the authentication process and Postman will show the OpenIAM login screen. After successful authentication, you are ready to make API calls on your OpenIAM instance.