Containers Restarting

You have installed the OpenIAM Docker containers, and they are continuously restarting, never entering into a 'healthy' state. In this situation, it's very likely that your environment does not align with the minimum system requirements described here.

To check your settings, use the following commands:

  • To check memory - free -m
  • To check CPU - lscpu
  • To check free disk space - df -h

One of the possible exit codes that means a container or pod is trying to use more memory than it's allowed is code 137. To tackle the issue of memory, you can add more RAM by navigating to 3.2/infrastructure/redis/docker-compose.yaml. There, you can find the following:

memory: 512m

Change the value of memory under the limits section to 1024m to allocate more RAM to the container.

After making these changes, monitor the container's behavior to ensure it stabilizes into a healthy state.