
OpenIAM has numerous configuration tool that can be reached by going to webconsole > Administration. The explanation and respective documentation for administration tools are listed below.

Configure IT PolicyThe document deals with a notion of IT policy, which users need to accept prior to using OpenIAM.
Metadata TypesThe document helps to understand what are metadata types and the way it can be managed in OpenIAM.
LanguagesView and manage the languages supported by OpenIAM.
Batch tasksThe document explains the usage of batch tasks to support any kind of business logic (like sending out notifications, building custom reports and other periodical routine tasks).
Page templateThe section describes how to manage form and page templates to capture and change information on user/group/role/managed system.
UI ThemesSection deals with managing UI themes used to control styles and logos of the application.
Custom fieldsSection explains how to define custom fields on page templates.
System configurationThe section explains and describes system configuration options.
Mailbox configurationThe document helps to configure SMTP in OpenIAM.
Log viewerSection deals with the look and features that can be viewed via audit log.
Sequence generatorThe document helps to configure how unique sequences should be generated in OpenIAM.
Groovy managerThe document explains the ways to manage all the Groovy scripts.
Directory lookup configurationAllows configuring directory lookup in SelfService.
Self registrationThe document defines the operation and configuration of self-registration feature.
Challenge response questionsDescribes how to use the question bank to operate challenge response questions.
About OpenAIMDescribes how to enable this page to be visible for users.
Reconciliation historyOpens audit log viewer for reconciliation events.
GEOlocation DBExplains how to manage the Geolocation database.
Reindex ElasticsearchExplains re-indexing in Elasticsearch.
Documentation linksProvides links for OpenIAM documentation concerning Java and Swagger, as well as contains URLs for OpenIAM guide.
Kibana DashboardProvides access to the system monitoring dashboard.
RabbitMQ AdminProvides access to the admin console for the message bus.
Mail template editorThe document explains how to manage email templates.