Create OpenIAM oAuth provider in Python

The OpenIAM REST API in Python is a pretty simple process. Start by logging into the webconsole and heading over to the Authentication Providers and follow the steps below.

  1. Go to webconsole > Access Control > Authentication Providers.

  2. Select Create New Provider in the top left.

  3. Under Select a Provider Type scroll down and select oAuth Client.

Provider type

  1. Fill out the following mandatory fields.
Provider NameName it something like Python Client or as needed.
Redirect URLSet this to http://localhost:5000/callback and be sure to press enter to confirm the value.
Signing AlgorithmSet this to RS-256
JWT IssuerName it something like PythonClient or as needed. This will automatically fill out the fields Final JWT Issuer View and OpenID Connect Discovery URL.
Authorization Grant FlowSet this to Client Credentials.
Client Authentication TypeSet this to Basic Authentication.
Default ScopesSearch for (your-content-provider-name) in /webconsole/rest/api/*. It may take a minute to scroll to find and select it. Additionally, search for user_name and select it.
Token Expiration (minutes)Set this value to 30.
Use Refresh TokenSet to off.
Protect by 2FASet to off.
Send JWT Token as Access TokenSet to off.

Once complete, your oAuth client creation page should look similar to one shown below.

oAuth page example

  1. Click SAVE at the bottom. The page will automatically refresh and generate the Client ID and Client Secret.