Azure Kubernetes Guide

This document is aimed at helping the user to deploy OpenIAM in Azure.

Preparation. Set up the deployment environment

  1. Prepare a deployment virtual machine in the Azure (below are all examples for Ubuntu). OpenIAM installation will be performed from the deployment machine. A virtual machine (VM), virtual network and subnet have to be created in a subscription of the Azure manually. Their values will be used by TF:
  • Install a VM (Ubuntu) in the Azure (can be configuration with minimal system resources).
  • Install and configure azure cli on the VM azure cli.
curl -L | bash
$ az login
$ curl -o ./
$ unzip ./
$ mv ./terraform /usr/bin/
$ terraform version (make sure you have installed proper version)
  • Install helm on the VM.
$ curl -fsSL -o
$ chmod 700
$ ./
  • Install kubectl on the VM.
$ curl -LO
$ sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
  • Install pgsql client on the VM (Optional), if you are going to use Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers (not needed if Azure MariaDB or Azure SQL are going to be used).
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-client
  • Install the SQL Server command-line tools sqlcmd on the VM (Optional) if you are going to use Azure SQL server. For more details, use this link
$ curl | sudo apt-key add -
$ curl | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/msprod.list
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install mssql-tools unixodbc-dev
$ echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin"' >> ~/.bash_profile


  1. Configure terraform:
  • Set the region variable in terraform.tfvars using the below command to find region name (use column "Name" to fill terraform value).
$ az account list-locations -o table
  1. Set the AZURE-specific variables in terraform.tfvars.
Variable NameRequiredDefault ValueDescription
regionYThe region to be deployed. For example, eastus.
replica_countYThe total number of nodes to be created in the Kubernetes cluster.
create_resource_groupYfalseIt is possible either to create the Azure Resource Group or use existing.
resource_group_nameYThe Azure Resource Group Name to be created or to be used to deploy all resources.
database.root.userYThe root username to the database.
database.root.passwordYThe root password to the database.
database.portYDatabase port. Database sku_name. database storage size in Mb. backup retention period. Virtual Network name to be created. Virtual Network CIDR to be created. subnet CIDR the AKS to be created in. subnet CIDR the database to be created in. subnet CIDR the redis to be created in Virtual network name the deployment machine belongs to (have to be created manually on deployment environment preparation stage, look at Section 1). Resource Group Name the deployment VM was created in. Leave empty if you are going to deploy all resources in the same group. subnet name the deployment machine belongs to (have to be created manually on deployment environment preparation stage, look at Section 1). size of the Redis cache to deploy. Valid values for a SKU Premium are 1, 2, 3, 4 (1 = 6Gb, 2 = 13Gb, 3 =26Gb, 4 = 53Gb).
  1. Run the apply command.
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply #enter 'yes' when asked to do so

The deployment process takes about 20-30 min.


  1. Run the destroy command as follows.
terraform destroy # enter 'yes' when asked to do so
  1. Finally, delete terraform state file.
rm -rf terraform.tfstate*