Password tab

Password tab allows configuring change/forgot password is a section in system configurations, where settings related to password management are configured.

Password tab

The description of fields in this tab is provided in the table below.

Show Managed System drop-down on Change Password ScreenThis checkbox controls whether a dropdown menu with a list of managed systems is displayed on the "Change Password" screen. Users need to select the specific managed system for which they want to change their password.
Is forgot username functionality enabled?Enabling this checkbox indicates that there is a functionality in place that allows users who have forgotten their username to recover or retrieve it.
Can a user unlock his password using his email address, instead of the principal?This checkbox allows turning on a feature allowing users to unlock their accounts by using their email address rather than the principal identifier (which could be a username or another unique identifier). This is a part of an account recovery or password reset process.
Hide Challenge Response questionsEnabling this checkbox would hide or disable the challenge-response questions that are used for additional security during password recovery or account unlocking.
Password Change Confirmation MethodsThis field refers to the methods or steps required to confirm a password change. It could include options like receiving an email or a one-time password (OTP) through a phone or using a current password.
Is a OTP Email required when creating a new user?This checkbox indicates whether a new user must provide and confirm their identity through a one-time password (OTP) sent to their email during the user creation process.
Is a OTP Phone required when creating a new user?Similar to the previous checkbox, this indicates whether a new user must use a one-time password (OTP) sent to their phone for identity confirmation during the user creation process.
Skip SMS OTP ResourceThis checkbox suggests an option to skip using SMS as a resource for OTP delivery during the user creation or authentication process. Users entitled to this resource will not need to enter SMS or email tokens when required for a specific pattern they attempt to access.
Is password unlock enabled?This checkbox controls whether users have the ability to unlock their accounts through a password recovery or account unlock process. The possible options
Password Reset MethodsThis section pertains to the methods available for users to reset their passwords.
Is accepting an IT Policy Required?This checkbox indicates whether users are required to accept an IT policy as part of the password reset process.
Show generic message for password history ruleThis might control whether a generic message is displayed to users when they fail to meet the password history rule (e.g., reusing old passwords).
Show ReSync button on reset password pageThis refers to displaying a button on the password reset page that allows users to manually trigger a resynchronization process.

After configuring all properties, click Save to save the changes.