Importing entitlements

After the user has connected the application, the next logical step is importing users and entitlements from the application. In this section, the step of importing entitlements will be covered.

To do this, OpenIAM provides a synchronization service, which allows an easy import of any entitlement type.

Before configuring synchronization, please ensure you've done the following:

  • Identified type of object you want to synchronize, e.g. User, Group, Role, Organization, etc.
  • Ensure the connector is up and running.
  • Groovy scripts for transforming/mapping the data to OpenIAM objects are ready.
  • The attributes in the target system and OpenIAM are matching.
  • The data user wants to synchronize is identified.
  • The script with all the attributes we want to make available in OpenIAM is defined.

Afterwards, you can start configuring synchronization.