Connector troubleshooting

  1. Status of user's identity after provisioning remains PENDING_CREATE or PENDING_UPDATE. Possible reason: connector got unbound from RabbitMQ and no longer receives request from OpenIAM. This is known issue and OpenIAM team works on solid solution for it. Solution: Now we suggest to resave connector and check if responses from connector came back to OpenIAM. Open webconsole->provisioning->connectors-> find connector that experienced issues-> click save. Then open managed system dashboard and click icon of connector replies on the proper managed system raw to make sure IAM got responses back.

  2. synchronization using connector connection doesn't return values. Audit event PROVISIONING_USER_SEARCH and PROVISIONING_GROUP_SEARCH has errors 'Response is not received from RabbitMQ during reply timeout'. Possible reason: connector got unbound from RabbitMQ and no longer receives request from OpenIAM. Solution: try solution from #1 Possible reason: request query returned lots of results and connector needed more than 30 sec (standard timeout time frame) to process the data. Solution: extend timeout for idm and synchronization services. --Docker deployment In docker compose: 3.2/services/docker-compose.yaml add in OPENIAM_JAVA_OPT_ARGS new option[timeout in ms] in idm and synchronization services. For example:

OPENIAM_JVA_OPT_ARGS: "-Dlogging.level.root=${LOGGING_LEVEL}"

save the file and run ./ to apply changes. after services will be re-deployed. Re-try sync operation.

--RPM deployment add[timeout in ms] in in /usr/local/openiam/services. For example:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Dlogging.level.root=INFO -Dconfpath=$HOME_DIR -jar $JAVA_OPTS $HOME_DIR/services/bin/$1.jar > $HOME_DIR/logs/$1.log```

Restart idm and syncronization services and re-try sync operation.