Deploying on OpenShift

This section describes how to deploy the OpenIAM platform in a OpenShift cluster on Azure. While the documention specifically references Azure, the concepts apply to all OpenShift deployments.

The steps below will describe how to:

  • Create an Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 cluster
  • Connect to an Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 cluster
  • Deploy OpenIAM on OpenShift cluster
Create an Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 clusterCreate an Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 cluster
Connect to an Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 clusterConnect to an Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 cluster
Deploy Openiam on OpenShift cluster with HelmDeploy OpenIAM on OpenShift cluster with Helm
Some descriptions of deployment with HelmSome descriptions of deployment with Helm
Localhost dev cluster of OpenShiftLocalhost dev cluster for OpenShift tests
Deploy to OpenShift from WindowsDeploy to OpenShift from Windows