Upgrade from 4.2.0.x to

This section describes how customers can upgrade from version 4.2.0.x to on Docker.

Before upgrade

  1. We recommend to back up volumes data. You can find path of volumes by using inspect command
[root@172-104-202-242 ~]# docker inspect vault_seal_storage
"CreatedAt": "2022-11-24T14:50:40Z",
"Driver": "local",
"Labels": null,
"Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/vault_seal_storage/_data",
"Name": "vault_seal_storage",
"Options": null,
"Scope": "local"

As you can see volumes are located in /var/lib/docker/volumes/. You can zip/tar this directory and store it unless you be sure upgrade was successful.

  1. If you still don't have your own branch in openiam-docker-compose repository you should create one and commit your changes into local branch. For this: change directory to your git local repository (typically it should be /usr/local/openiam/openiam-docker-compose/) and run:
git status
git checkout -b 'qa_branch' // do this step only if you do not have our branch yet
git add .
git commit -am 'pre update to'
git status
git co RELEASE- // or whatever version you used before the upgade
git pull
git checkout 'qa_branch' // or whatver name of your branch is
git merge RELEASE-
git status
....resolve confilicts in merged files if you have any conflicts....
git commit -am 'after update to'
git status

Make sure env.sh has



  1. Shutdown OpenIAM application. Run shutdown.sh and make sure all containers are stopped
  2. Download new docker images. Run setup.sh and make sure all new images are loaded
[root@172-104-202-242 ~]# docker image ls |grep
openiamdocker/rproxy debian- b887973684b4 27 hours ago 1.87GB
openiamdocker/ldap-connector-rabbitmq debian- e0a06dd36922 44 hours ago 827MB
openiamdocker/ui debian- f2bb61c829c6 44 hours ago 2.85GB
openiamdocker/reconciliation debian- 282193edd2c4 45 hours ago 886MB
openiamdocker/workflow debian- 18f582a8b6a0 45 hours ago 1.05GB
openiamdocker/business-rule-manager debian- 5f9718f1027e 45 hours ago 887MB
openiamdocker/groovy-manager debian- ceee0902072f 45 hours ago 2.45GB
openiamdocker/synchronization debian- c1ec0f642499 45 hours ago 879MB
openiamdocker/device-manager debian- e291463472b8 45 hours ago 1.05GB
openiamdocker/auth-manager debian- f897df9c13d6 45 hours ago 879MB
openiamdocker/idm debian- 7cae965a5353 45 hours ago 887MB
openiamdocker/esb debian- 847763962ab3 45 hours ago 904MB
openiamdocker/email-manager debian- af66d4bdcfe2 45 hours ago 879MB
openiamdocker/flyway debian- 3f4a91c98e6d 2 days ago 904MB
openiamdocker/janusgraph debian- ba4e0789b51d 2 days ago 1.11GB
openiamdocker/mariadb debian- 8948da500d72 2 days ago 353MB
openiamdocker/openiam-metadata alpine- 1727425a5915 2 days ago 321MB
openiamdocker/elasticsearch debian- 8dc999ea90e9 2 days ago 703MB
openiamdocker/rabbitmq alpine- f51482c9024c 2 days ago 118MB
openiamdocker/redis debian- b275ed556ec9 2 days ago 102MB
openiamdocker/vault alpine- e2a1aedc757a 2 days ago 224MB
openiamdocker/vault-bootstrap alpine- 2273c37923ff 2 days ago 25.3MB
  1. Start OpenIAM application. Run startup.sh
  2. Prepare for upgrade actions. After startup releases console we need to stop openiam services and prepare infrastructure changes first, run:
docker stack rm ui
docker stack rm openiam
  1. Upgrade RabbitMQ data. You will need to rebuild RabbitMQ volume, because new version has new hosts defined. Remove the volume, and startup.sh will re-create it.
docker volume rm openiam-rabbitmq-storage_storage
  1. Rebuild Elasticsearch indices. New version of OpenIAM contains changes of Elasticsearch document type, which forces us to reindex all user docs. If you have decent number of users (>10K) it may take time (4 and more hours) to complete reindex process. Once elasticsearch container is up and healthy you should run:
docker ps |grep elastic // get container id of the output for ex.: 4744be66a185
docker exec -it 4744be66a185 curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/users
  1. Upgrade Activiti XML files. New version of OpenIAM contains changes of Activiti workflow XML files. If you didn't change/customize XML files in volume openiam-activiti-storage_storage you should delete the volume and startup script will recreate it based on new files in release. If you had customization, you should put updated files into the volume (by using volume option in docker compose or by locating files in the volume mount point) and restart workflow container after. To volume run:
docker volume rm openiam-activiti-storage_storage
  1. Check if flyway completed job with success exit code (0)
docker ps -a |grep flyway

Actually it shouldn't because new version has changed in already applied scripts. You have to run flyway in repair mode, see Flyway in repair mode You should continue to deploy flyway with repair command commented out. Unless you see Exited (0) code of flyway container

[root@172-104-202-242 ~]# docker ps -a |grep flyway
5f04d9367d08 openiamdocker/flyway:debian- "/usr/local/bin/init…" 20 hours ago Exited (0) 20 hours ago
  1. run startup.sh again to deploy openiam and ui services.

After upgrade

  1. Make sure you are able to log in. Once you are in webconsole you should visit each content provider configuration and click 'Add default patterns'.
  2. There are new groovy scripts were introduced between in version. We recommend to connection with our team to get needed groovy scripts
  3. After you have all scripts, you should run 'Compile all groovy scripts' in groovy manager.