Deploying OpenIAM on Kubernetes without Terraform

This guide describes how to deploy OpenIAM to a private (not AWS, GKE) kubernetes cluster via helm, but without terraform. This type of deployment is not recommended due to the number of helm variables.

If you are deploying to AWS or GKE, please use terraform!


Next, follow this guide to enable helm RBAC in your cluster.

In addition, run the following command to ensure that configmaps are created correctly. You only need to do this once, or when the underlying files change

mkdir -p openiam-configmap/.ssl && mkdir -p openiam-configmap/.apache && cp -r .ssl/* openiam-configmap/.ssl/ && cp -r .apache/* openiam-configmap/.apache/


We provide a working example of how to deploy OpenIAM via helm. Please see This contains all of the required values for each helm chart that we deploy.

Migration guide

pre-4.2.1 to 4.2.1

We've updated our vault datastore in 4.2.1. To migrate, you will have to do the following:

  1. Deploy with the openiam.vault.migrate terraform variable set to true, when deploying openiam-vault and openiam
  2. Wait for all pods to come up
  3. Redeploy with the vault.migrate terraform variable set to false, when deploying openiam-vault and openiam
  4. Wait for all pods to come up