
Installing the connector

Based on the nature of your deployment, follow the procedures below to deploy the connector.

Docker swarm

To start this connector in a Docker Swarm deployment, follow the steps described below:

  • Uncommment the following line in file - #docker pull "openiamdocker/postgresql-connector-rabbitmq:debian-${OPENIAM_VERSION_NUMBER}-${BUILD_ENVIRONMENT}
  • Uncomment the following line in file
#docker stack deploy --compose-file connectors/postgresql/docker-compose.yaml --with-registry-auth postgresql-connector

For the changes to take effect you will need to stop your OpenIAM containers and then run:


General information

PostgreSQL connector allows to synchronize users, groups and group memberships from PostgreSQL DB to OpenIAM.

Configuring connector

For first usage connector should be configured as described below:

  • Go to Webconsole -> Provisioning -> Connectors -> PostgreSQL Connector
  • Check rows "Connection string" and "Search Filter for User"
  • Press "Save" button

Configuring managed system

PostgreSQL managed system should be configured as described below:

  • Go to Webconsole -> Provisioning -> Managed System -> PostgreSQL Managed system
  • Configure fields according to your environment:
    • Host,
    • Port,
    • Connection string - format is:
    • LoginId and Password - credentials for admin user of database
    • Search filter for user - put 'rolname=?'

PostgreSQL user privileges

PostgreSQL Connector allows to add or revoke standard PostgreSQL privileges: CREATEDB, INHERIT, LOGIN, REPLICATION, CREATEROLE and SUPERUSER. For this purpose you should:

  • Create a custom field (Webconsole -> Administration -> Custom Fields -> Create New Custom Field) called "PostgreSQL privilege" alt text
  • Create a role for PostgreSQL Mangaed system and put any privilege you want to "PostgreSQL privilege" field: alt text