Backup / recovery

To create a backup of your OpenIAM deployment which is based on a Single VM deployment configuration, follow the steps outlined below. You may use any backup solution.

Backup procedures

In addition to the database, the OpenIAM architecture consists of numerous components (listed below), which need to be backed up.

  • Conf folder
  • Jar and War file for the UI and backend users
  • Vault - secrets and certificates
  • Elastic search storage files

Backup the database

  1. Backup your database by performing a DB dump. OpenIAM has two databases: openiam and activiti. Both must be backed up. If you are using MariaDB or MySQL, you can use the following approach:

Open a terminal window to the Linux host where your DB has been installed:


mysqldump -u [username] -p openiam > /usr/local/openiam/backup/openiam-'date+%F'.sql
mysqldump -u [username] -p activiti > /usr/local/openiam/backup/activiti-'date+%F'.sql


pg_dump -U postgres -W -F t openiam > /usr/local/openiam/backup/openiam-'date+%F'.tar
pg_dump -U [username]] -W -F t activiti > /usr/local/openiam/backup/activiti-'date+%F'.tar

Download the backup utility

The utility currently supports a single node installation. You can modify this script to align with your environment.

First, download the utility using the following steps. This utility can be executed from either a remote server or from the server where the OpenIAM system has been installed.

mkdir /usr/local/openiam/backuputil
cd /usr/local/openiam/backuputil
git clone

Update the env file

Open the file and update the following parameters with values that reflect your environment:

Parameter NameDescriptionDefault Value
HOST_NAMEThe host name of remote server there backup file will be uploadedempty
HOST_PORTThe port of remote server there backup file will be uploaded22 (default SSH port)
USER_NAMEUsername that will be used to upload fileempty
AUTH_CERT_PATHThe certificate that will be used to authenticate on remote server~/.ssh/id_rsa
REMOTE_PATHThe folder on the remote server where backup will be placed~/

Run the backup process

After the file has been updated, you can run the backup process by using the command below


Restore proceedures

The following steps describe how to restore a RPM installation from previously created backups. The steps are for a single node installation. They assume that you have created a backup using the steps described above and the file has already been updated.

Stop OpenIAM

If you not already done so, stop your OpenIAM deployment.

openiam-cli stop

Restore your database

Use the steps below to restore you database. Please make sure that you are using the backup files which correspond to the point in time that you want to revert back to. Substitute below the date.


mysql openiam < openaim-[date].sql
mysql activiti < activity-[date].sql


pg_restore --dbname=openiam --create --verbose c/usr/local/openiam/backup/openiam-[date].tar
pg_restore --dbname=activiti --create --verbose c/usr/local/openiam/backup/activiti-[date].tar

Restore the openiam application

Use the command below to restore OpenIAM from previously created backup.

./ <name_of_backup_file>.backup

The utility will restore all stored files from the specified backup and then start the OpenIAM instance again.

You can also execute the restore process from a remote server using the following command.

Please don't forget to fill AUTH_CERT_PATH and HOST_PORT in env.conf folder before running this step

./ [username]@hostname:[]/filename.backup

