Localhost dev cluster

This section describes how install localhost OpenShift cluster for test OpenShift deploy.

Create crc (CodeReady Containers cluster)

  1. Create RedHat account. https://www.redhat.com/
  2. Login
  3. Go to : https://console.redhat.com/openshift/create/local
  4. Download required version of CodeReady Containers.
  5. Download and save pull secret
  6. Extract files to folder and install if required (for Windows)
  7. Add crc path to system PATH

Start OpenShift cluster use console commands :

There is not enough default memory (9 Gb) / vCpus (4) / disk-size (35 Gb). Use commands for set new values :

crc config view
crc config set memory 40
crc config set cpus 12
crc config set disk-size 50

Then start cluster

crc setup
crc start

On crc start on first call will require pull secret.


On windows crc version I have problem with increase disk size. On crc start I got default value 35 Gb. For increase size I have to stop running container, set new value and start container again:

  • crc setup
  • crc start
  • crc stop
  • crc config set disk-size 50
  • crc start