View direct reports

Supervisors can view a listing of their subordinates and request additional access on their behalf.

  1. Select User Access > View Direct Reports.
  2. The supervisor will see a listing of all direct reports. To request more access on behalf of a subordinate, select the Create Request button from the Actions column. To view the current entitlements of a direct report, select Review Access from the same column. To disable the access of a subordinate, select Disable User.

Contractor operations

There are many instances where contractors for an organization are not managed by the HR system. In these cases, supervisors who have contractors as subordinates can manage them directly using the contractor operations feature from within the self-service portal.

  1. Select User Access > View Direct Reports.
  2. Select ENABLE CONTRACTOR OPERATIONS. Check the box of the contractor(s) you wish to apply changes to, or SELECT ALL to select all of the contractors. Select NEXT.
  3. From the drop-down list, choose the operation you wish to apply to the contractor(s):
  • Change last date. From the calendar drop-down labeled Last Date, choose the last working day of the contractor(s). Access will be disabled for the contractor(s) on the day following the selected date.
  • Change reporting manager. Choose the type of supervisor from the drop-down list labeled Supervisor Type, and then the supervisor from the drop-down list labeled Supervisor. This will change the supervisor of the selected contractor(s).
  • Disable. This option disables the access of the selected contractor(s).
  • Enable. This option enables the access of the selected contractor(s).
  • Add an entitlement. This option grants additional entitlements to the selected contractor(s). Choose the type of entitlement(s) from the multi-select list labeled Select entitlement type:
    • Group. Select the managed system from the drop-down list labeled Group managed system. Select the group(s) from the multi-select list labeled Select Groups.
    • Role. Select the managed system from the drop-down list labeled Role managed system. Select the role(s) from the multi-select list labeled Select Roles.
    • Organization. Select the type of organization from the drop-down list labeled Organization Type. Select the organization(s) from the multi-select list labeled Organization.
    • Resource. Select the type of resource from the drop-down list labeled Resource Type. Select the resource(s) from the multi-select list labeled Resources.
  • Remove an entitlement. This option removes entitlements from the selected contractor(s). To select the entitlements to be removed, please follow the steps described above under Add an entitlement.

Select NEXT.

  1. Review the contractor operations and select SUBMIT to apply changes. Select BACK to edit the selected changes, or select CANCEL to cancel the operations.