User search

Administrators or help desk teams will need to perform searches to find users as part of day-to-day administrative operations. OpenIAM provides two ways of finding users:

  • Header search: A search box in the header section of the webconsole that is always available.
  • Advanced search: A form-based search which retrieves users based on a variety of options.

Header search

To find users using the header search, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the webconsole.
  2. From the search bar in the header, select Users as shown below.

Header search

  1. Start to type in either the name or identity of the user that you need. OpenIAM uses a starts with algorithm to match users against your input.

Using header search

  1. Click on the user once you find a match. OpenIAM will retrieve the user information and will present it in a template view.

Advanced search

As mentioned above, advanced search allows for a greater number of options to perform your search. To use the advanced search option, use either of the two options below:

  • Click on the Advanced search button next to the header search as shown below:

Advanced search

  • Select User Admin -> User search from the top menu.

Default search options include:

Field NameDescription
Last nameSearch by a person's last name. This field supports a "starts with" algorithm. If you enter "su" it will show all users whose last names start with "su".
Principal nameSearch by a user's identity/account. This fields supports a "starts with" algorithm.
Email addressSearch by a user's email address. This fields supports a "starts with" algorithm.
Employee IDSearch by an employee's ID. This search is based on an exact match.

Additional search options can be added by selecting them from the Add more search criteria field. Click on the field and select the required search options.

Advanced search - additional options

The table below describes each of the search options.

Field NameDescription
Account statusFilters users based on the any of the following states:
User statusFilters users based on any of the following states:
First nameSearch by a user's first name
Extended attributesExtended attributes allows search by any attribute that has been defined as a custom field
GroupSearch by group membership
RoleSearch by role membership
Job codeSearch by job code. This field is a drop-down containing predefined job codes.
Maiden nameSearch by a user's maiden name
NicknameSearch by a user's nickname (aka alternate name, preferred name, etc.)
OrganizationSearch by organization object membership: Organization, Division, Department, etc.