Deploying to Kubernetes

OpenIAM can be deployed to Kubernetes. Out-of-the-box, OpenIAM supports deployment to:

  1. AWS EKS
  2. Google GKE
  3. A private Kubernetes Cluster This document describes how to install OpenIAM in a Kubernetes environment.

Set Docker environment variables

First, create an account on Dockerhub.

Then export the following environment variables:


Replacing them with their corresponding values

Install Helm

  1. Install helm v3.3.4

For linux:

1. Download
2. Unpack it (tar -zxvf helm-v3.3.4-linux-amd64.tar.gz)
3. Find the helm binary in the unpacked directory, and move it to its desired destination (mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm)

Install Terraform

  1. Install terraform 0.12.21

For linux:

sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/terraform

Kubernetes Version

We have tested our terraform and helm scripts with Kubernetes 1.23. Please use this version. No other version are supported at this time.



We use Vault in order to securely store secrets.
Our applications use certificate based authentication in order to securely talk to Vault. Our images will generate a self-signed certificate to be used for vault. However, if you would like to use your own certificate, you can do the following:

  1. Get a public/private keypair from a valid CA Authority, and put the files in:
  • .vault/vault.key - the private key
  • .vault/vault.crt - the public key
  1. Then, run the following command:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in .vault/vault.crt -inkey .vault/vault.key -out .vault/vault.jks -password pass:${VAULT_KEYPASS}
  • If you are using Terraform, make sure that ${VAULT_KEYPASS} above matches vault.vaultKeyPassword in terraform.tfvars

  • Also, put all of the resulting files in openiam-configmap/.vault/


cp .vault/vault.key openiam-configmap/.vault/
cp .vault/vault.crt openiam-configmap/.vault/
cp .vault/vault.jks openiam-configmap/.vault/

SMTP Server

You will need to setup an SMTP server. If running in AWS, you use SES, which is very simple to setup. If you do not have a corporate SMTP server, there are numerous SMTP Cloud Servers which you can use. Setting up SMTP is outside the scope of this document.

RabbitMQ TLS

You can optionally run RabbitMQ with TLS enabled.

Adding your own TLS Certificates to RabbitMQ

If you would like to use your own Certificates with RabbitMQ, you will need to get a public/private keypair from a valid CA authority, and generate a JKS file. Please follow the instructions in the RabbitMQ TLS file.

Generating a self-signed certificate

You can also generate a self-signed certificate by running


HTTPS certificates

When running in kubernetes, we expose port 80, and 443 if https is enabled. Our apache httpd server listens to these ports. To setup https, see our SSL document for a list of required files.

Set required values in

  1. Set the APP_NAME variable in to a unique string. This is a unique identifier, and will not be seen by end users.

  2. If you're running in AWS, set the OSS variable in to -oss

Configure Extra VHost and Apache Configs

You can optionally add 'extra' vhost and apache configs. To do that, simply modify the following files as needed:

  • .apache/extraVHost.conf
  • .apache/extraApache.conf

These files shall be put in /usr/local/apache2/conf/add, in the rproxy pod

Initialize and Setup

Run the setup script



Exposing externally

To expose the RabbitMQ Service externally, uncomment the following lines in rabbitmq.values.yaml:

# Uncomment to expose externally
# service:
# type: LoadBalancer
# clusterIP: None

Note that you will have to re-run after doing this.

Deploying with Terraform

Deploying Kubernetes via Terraform is a recommended approach. The guide to do this is here.

Deploying without Terraform

You can deploy without using Terraform, but this method is much more complex, requires much more configuration, and is not recommended. In case deployment without Terraform required, you can find the respective guide here.

Confirming successful deployment

Confirm that all pods are up and running with the following command:

kubectl get pods

Ensure that the READY column does not have any failed pods. For example:

Example of running pod

test100-esb-0 1/1 Running 0 2m3s

Example of failed pod

test100-esb-0 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 4 2m3s

Debugging failed pods

If a certain pod fails, gather it's logs for analysis.

kubectl logs pods/<name_of_failed_pod>

Accessing your deployed instance

To acess your deployed instance of OpenIAM, run the following command:

kubectl get "service/${APP_NAME}-rproxy"

The output of the above command will contain an EXTERNAL IP column, for example:

test100-rproxy LoadBalancer 80:32468/TCP 3m57s

Curl the above URL:

curl -L "http://${EXTERNAL_IP_FROM_ABOVE}/webconsole"

You may want to add a CNAME alias for the above URL, to make it more readable.

Switching Between Environments/Clients.

We provide a convenience shell script, which saves off terraform files to a specific location, or copies terraform files from that location to this project.

Example on Saving files

This will save the terraform files from this project into /tmp/client_name/prod

./ save /tmp client_name prod

Example on Using files

This will use the terraform files from /tmp/client_name/prod

./ use /tmp client_name prod