Upgrading from version to version

This document will guide the users on how to upgrade to version from older version.

Before starting you upgrade add-on Zip file must be downloaded from download.openiam.com resource. Place the file in the /root/ folder of the box.

Follow the following teps to upgrade:

  1. Extract the addon file using below command:
tar -xvf add-on.tar.gz -C ./ --strip-components 1

The outpou of the comman above is to be as follows

  1. Before running the install.sh command take a backup of the existing env.sh
cp -rf /usr/local/openiam/env.conf /usr/local/openiam/env_backup.conf.bak
  1. Run install.sh to copy all files to the correct directories.
sudo ./install.sh

Install.sh copies the extracted files to the openiam folder

sudo openiam-cli stop
  1. Compare the previously backed up env.sh file with the newly copied env.conf file.

If there are any custom settings saved previously in the backed up env.conf, make the same changes in the new env.conf file.

Add the below mentioned lines in the new env.conf if missing.

########################## UPGRADING #############################
# This variable is used by upgrade script only

Define the value for export UPGRADE_TO_VERSION=""

Run the following commands to make the changes

cd /usr/local/openiam/
sudo nano env.conf

Command output

Note: If you are using out-of-the-box configurations for the database, replace the value for the following parameters:

export FLYWAY_ACTIVITI_HOST=database
export FLYWAY_OPENIAM_HOST=database

Replace “database” with localhost. After replacing it should look like this.

# host of the activiti database.
export FLYWAY_ACTIVITI_HOST=localhost
**host of the openiam database.**
export FLYWAY_OPENIAM_HOST=localhost
  1. After making the changes, check the services and stop the services if they are running.
sudo openiam-cli status
sudo openiam-cli stop

Make sure all the services are stopped. Services stopped

  1. Run the upgrade command.
sudo openiam-cli upgrade

The output must look as follows: Upgrade command output

Upgrade command output

  1. Once the command is completed, start the services by running the following command in ssh:
sudo openiam-cli start
  1. Check all the services are up and running.
sudo openiam-cli status

Services up and running

  1. Once all the services are up and running, login to OpenIAM and navigate to Administration -> About OpenIAM.

The build version must be updated. Build Updated