Azure Kubernetes Guide

This document is aimed at helping the user to deploy OpenIAM in Azure.

Set up the environment

  1. Authenticate into AZURE:

Sign in interactively:

az login

Or you can sign in with credentials on the command line:

az login -u <username> -p <password>
  1. Set the AZURE-specific variables in terraform.tfvars
Variable NameRequiredDefault ValueDescription
regionYThe region to be deployed. For example, norwayeast.
replica_countYThe total number of nodes to be created in the kubernetes cluster.
resource_group_nameYThe you resource group in AZURE. Caution, that the group must be created in advance.
database.root.userYThe root username to the database.
database.root.passwordYThe root password to the database.
database.typeYMariaDB, Postgres or MSSQL. is Standard_B4ms.
  1. Run in the root of the project.

  2. Run terraform init.

  3. Run terraform apply -> enter -> yes when asked to do so.


Due to a bug with terraform's helm provider in AZURE, destroying the objects in GKE must be performed in several automated and manual steps.

Run the destroy command:

terraform destroy
# enter 'yes' when asked to do so

Finally, you will have to delete terraform's state files:

rm -rf terraform.tfstate*