Batch / Scheduled Tasks

This sections helps to understand purpose of batch tasks in OpenIAM, explains idea of out of the box tasks.

Batch task

Usage of batch task provides ability to support any kind of business logic (like sending out notifications, build custom reports other periodical routine tasks). OpenIAM provides set of out of the box batch tasks, some of them can be customized via groovy scripts, some should remained as delivered. Below you can find descriptions.

Running a shell script with a batch task

If running sh. is required/necessary, you can use the following a code reference:

ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder()
println "parameter_1: " + parameter_1
println "parameter_2: " + parameter_2
processBuilder.command("bash", "-c",
"sh /tmp/ ${parameter_1} ${parameter_2} ")
try {
Process process = processBuilder.start()
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()))
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder()
String line
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
println("Script output:" + output)
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

Due to security reasons, package is not in the whitelist of imports (you can't just instantiate classes of this package in groovy). To tackle that add

file for groovy-manager and esb, as follows:

Shell script for a batch task

into openiam-docker-compose/3.2/services/docker-compose.yaml (for Docker) or to /etc/systemd/system/openiam-groovy.service and /etc/systemd/system/openiam-esb.service (for RPM).

For example,git status for RPM:

ExecStart=/usr/local/openiam/services/ groovy-manager "-Xmx512m -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2

Out of the box tasks

Task nameShort description
[Access Certification Reminder](2-scheduledtasks#Access Certification Reminder)Task sends out notifications for reviewers for uncompleted access review tasks
[Access Certification reporting](2-scheduledtasks####Access Certification reporting)Task sends out an access certification report to a UAR manager upon completion of campaign
ACCOUNT_LOCKED_NOTIFICATIONTask sends out notification 'ACCOUNT_LOCKED' for all locked account at the moment
Activate by Start DateTask initiates user activation process
Activation reminderTask sends out notification NEW_USER_ACTIVATION_REMIND to users with status PENDING_INITIAL_LOGIN and created recently
AUTO_UNLOCKDeprecated, will be deleted in Release
Clean Auth State tableSystem task. Task set AUTH_STATE=0 in rows where LAST_LOGIN less then 24h and delete rows where LAST_LOGIN older than 30 days in table AUTH_STATE
Clean Resource For Completed RequestsLegacy. Deprecated, will be deleted in Release
Cleanup OLD CSV FilesTask deletes CSV files attached in sync configurations more than year ago
Delete/Deactivate by last DataTask sets status DEACTIVATE to users with status PENDING_DEACTIVATION and deletes user with status PENDING_DELETE
Disable by last dateTask to implement termination process. Picks up set of users to be terminated and performs termination for them
Escalation of expired requestsTask initiates escalation of access requests if approvers expired SLA
Failed provision requests reportTask compiles and sends our report about failed provisioning events
Group AttestationLegacy. Deprecated, will be deleted in Release
INACTIVE_USERTask picks up users who haven't logged in for 90 days, deactivates their accounts and sends our notification ACCOUNT_INACTIVE
Notification of expiring/revoke of expired accessTask picks up users with access that is about to expired and sends our notification ACCESS_IS_ALMOST_EXPIRED. Also task initiates revoke access wrokflow for expired access
Notification reminders for approversTask sends out notification APPROVER_REMINDER to approvers who didn't make decision for pending requests
PASSWORD_EXPIREDTask sends out email notification PASSWORD_EXPIRED to users with expired password
PASSWORD_NEAR_EXPTask sends out email notification PASSWORD_NEAR_EXPIRATION to users with almost expired password
Perform Business Rules recalculationTasks applies recent changes in business rules to all user set

Access Certification Reminder

Access Certification reporting


Activate by Start Date

Activation reminder

Clean Auth State table

Cleanup OLD CSV Files

Delete/Deactivate by last Data

Disable by last date check

Escalation of expired requests

Failed provision requests report


Notification of expiring/revoke of expired access

Notification reminders for approvers



Perform Business Rules recalculation