Rehire user flow

Rehire user workflow is needed in cases when the employee left and now has been rehired.

The same flow would work for both the rehire scenarios:

  • If User is Terminated and exists in AD.
  • If User is Terminated and does not exist in AD.

To initiate the workflow, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in op de OpenIAM SelfService portal.

  2. Go to Access Management -> Manage User. Search for the User you want to Rehire.

User to rehire

  1. Click on the User Name from the result list.

Users list

  1. Change the Contract Start date and End date, Vice Presidency etc. Select Rehire User as 'Yes'. Click the Save button.

Change user data

  1. User does not exist in Active Directory.

User does not exist in AD

  1. User is Activated in OpenIAM and a new account is created in Active Directory.

New account

AD user ready

  1. Notifications are sent to the User's line manager.

Notification sent